Dear Body 

Twenty year old Hannah suffers from an array of conditions that dramatically affect her life. Last year, Dreams Come True gave Hannah an embroidery machine so that she could make personalised medication bags for others struggling with health conditions. Hannah also draws on her own illness and disability through poetry.

Hannah’s first collection of poems, Dear Body, was published by Wayleave Press last year. Hannah's poems have been published in many publications and a range of her poems are available on The Poetry Society. She received a grant to run poetry workshops by The Reading Agency and has worked alongside The Kendal Poetry Festival and The Words by the Water festival as a blogger.

“'Dear Body’ is a “short collection of twenty-two poems exploring the duality of mind and body, separated and brought into conflict by physical illness. The poems are written with an expressive cathartic tone, a unique and wit-ridden perspective and a resilient refusal to be overcome.”- London Grip magazine

Hannah's YouTube Channel