Welcome to the Dreams Come True Referral Hub. 

Here you'll find all the information you need about submitting a referral and how to subscribe to our referral network for exclusive giveaways, updates and more.

Subscribe to our Referral Newsletter

Subscribe to receive the latest news and updates, including when the referral portal is opening and when we are able to offer bedroom and garden makeovers again. As an incentive to sign up to the network, we will inform the referrers on our network of the makeover dream availability before this is advertised on any social media channels or our website. 


Who is eligible? 

We support with 5*-18 year old children living with a disability or medical condition, who face lifelong challenges exacerbated by poverty. You can find our full criteria here: {link} Please speak to the team if there's a potential referral you'd like to discuss in more detail. 

Who can referrer a child?
A professional currently working with the family and involved in that child’s care, for example;  

  • Medical professional (e.g., Nurse, AHP, Consultant)  
  • Education professional (e.g., SENCO, Teacher, Head/Deputy Head Teacher)  
  • Social Services (e.g., Family Support Worker, Social Worker, Children with Disabilities Team)  
  • Support worker from the community, or another charity

How long does it take for the dream to be fulfilled?
This depends on the dream and the family’s circumstances, but usually our dreams are completed between 3 – 9 months. Some dreams can be granted instantly, others take a bit more planning. Please allow at least 2-3 months between application and a holiday date for UK Holiday’s.  

Does the family have to pay for the dream?
No – we do what we can to ensure all costs are covered by Dreams Come True. We will work with the family to make them aware of what will be included in their dream experience.  

Are there any dreams you don’t offer?
We do our best to say yes to as many requests as possible, but there may be some instances a dream cannot be delivered. We do not offer any overseas holidays, or purchase anything that should be provided by a statutory organisation. If you / the family have something in mind you’re unsure about, please discuss this with a member of the team.  

I am working with a family where multiple siblings qualify for a dream – do I have to apply individually?
Yes – each dream is unique and considered as such - you will need to submit individual application for each child, even if the dream is to be taken together (like a holiday)  

Does the dream have to be same for children in the same family?
No - applications are considered on an individual basis and they can have their own unique dream. Of course if they would like a joint dream, this can be arranged but please make a note in the relating referral forms that there is a joint dream being requested.  


I have been able to work with Dreams Come True on several occasion for some years now with a variety of outcomes for the young people I work with.  The customer service and support is exceptional and they always try to provide the Ultimate Dream whatever that may be.  The variety of choice is one of the best things they offer and Dreams encourage “out of the box” thinking as well as more traditional types of wishes.  When a Dream is picked up they work with the family to provide that Dream and all my families state that they were a pleasure to work with, the Dreams were fanatic, and all are so grateful for the opportunity and lifelong memory. Dreams Come True really make wishes a positive experiences and reality.

Social Care Officer, Glasgow. 

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